GRE has 60+ years of combined mineral processing experience and has established a fully equipped laboratory for mineral processing, geotechnical, and environmental investigations.
The laboratory is equipped with the mineral processing equipment necessary to evaluate a wide variety of flowsheets including gravity, gold leaching, flotation, and heap leaching, among others. The laboratory is also outfitted with various geotechnical and environmental testing equipment.
Our laboratory consulting services include:
R&D for various metals extraction
Plant audits and optimization
Process development
Preliminary flowsheet​
Detailed design
Pilot plant design, construction, and operation
Environmental audits​
Environmental testing
Kinetic cells​
Water treatment
Geotechnical Analysis​
Laboratory Capabilities
Sample preparation and comminution
Gravity Separation
Hydrometallurgical processes
Bottle Roll and Column Leach testing (traditional or bioleach) - Au, Cu, Zn
SX/EW - Cu, Co, Zn, Ni
Ion Exchange - Cu, Co, Zn, Ni, Li
CSTR Biooxidation
Oxidation Processes
​Bioleaching and other biological processes
Sulfide Oxidation​
Metal Reductions
CN Treatment
Laboratory R&D​​
GRE has been involved with a variety of clients in the development of unique processes for metal recovery. Process investigations include:
Lithium extraction from claystone ores
Lithium, Nickel, and Graphite recovery from spent batteries
REE, Copper and Gold recovery from e-waste
LFP/NMC battery recycling
Cobalt recovery from copper heap leach effluent
Flotation scoping study for new copper sulfide project
Pilot Plant
GRE has experience designing, constructing and operating a wide variety of pilot plant units.
Continuous bioreactors for sulfide oxidation
Continuous bioreactors for ferrous oxidation
Simulated moving bed ion exchange circuit - CCIX
SX/EW circuits
ARD treatment
Demonstration scale bioheap leach plants for both refractory gold and copper
Electrochemical metal reduction/oxidation
MHP - mixed hydroxide precipitation - copper, cobalt
The laboratory is equipped with:
Jaw Crusher x 2
Rod/Ball Mill
Sample Splitters
Gilson Screen
Sweco Screen
Falcon Concentrator
Shaking Table
Multiple Heap Leach Columns
Inoculum Growth for Bioleaching
Multiple Microscopes
Tangential Flow Filter
D12 Flotation Machine
Pilot SX/EW - Cu, Co, Ni, Au, Ag
Pilot Inoculum Production
Ion Exchange
Vacuum Filter
CSTR Bioreactors x CIP/CIL
Atomic Adsorption
UV/VIS Spectrophotometer
Misc Ancillary Equipment
Contact: Kain Nugent (knugent@global-resource-eng.com)