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esquisto bituminoso, arenas bituminosas y arenas bituminosas

jackpine Oil Sands Mine

Shell Canada Energy, Alberta

Contract in-house engineer providing on-site support for mine technical services. Projects include short-term mine planning, internal Business Plan development, 1-year mine plan, and many small projects to support operations.

muskeg river mine

athabasca oil sands (albian sands), alberta

Developed preliminary mine plan including ore sequencing, dyke sequencing, and in-pit backfilling for oils sands project.

oil shale condemnation study

confidential client, wyoming

Compiled database of two oil shale bearing strata and created a basic geologic model. Created strip ratio map in billions of barrels of oil per cubic yard of waste to confirm wind generator sites were placed outside of economically viable area.

jackpine oil sands mine

shell albian sands energy, alberta

Contract in-house engineer providing on-site support for mine technical services.

due diligence for oil sands project financing

confidential client, alberta

Review of mine waste management and geotechnical aspects of proposed oil sands mine on behalf of a major investment bank.

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